Handcrafted and Mixed with Love: A Story of our Blends

Feb 24, 2021

When SalterieOne began in 2019, we focused on developing the highest quality sea salt around. We emphasized crafting our fleur de sea type flakes from the purest water through a carefully honed evaporation process to preserve minerals and macronutrients and yield the fluffiest of salt. We're proud to craft a product that is simple in its use, universal in its appeal, and even fun to pinch! 

As friends, family, and more fell in love with our fluffy flakes, folks asked for more ways to use our salt. Believing that more people could benefit from using our handcrafted sea salt, it was a natural for us to create custom blends right here in our Salt Lab beginning in 2020. After all, we wanted it to be easy for home cooks to use our high quality ingredient, an essential element in cooking, in an easy, approachable way. By creating our blends, we are giving both home cooks and expert chefs the ability to quickly pull together healthy, flavor-rich meals in a pinch. 

And when you use our blends, you know that each flavor is inspired by nature, and tested by our team until the flavor, texture, and aesthetic profiles are just right. It's not uncommon to see us eating salt as a snack or swapping favorite recipes that work best with the latest flavor in development! If you were to boil it down to its essence (see the pun there!), we apply the same care and consideration to develop our blends that we apply to the crafting of every flake present in them. It's a labor of love, one that we think you can taste in every pinch.

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