Honored to have received the following:
It is with great pleasure that we inform you that Representative Josh Cutler, your district legislator, has selected, SalterieOne as the Manufacturer of the Year in your area. You and the other companies from around the Commonwealth will be honored by the Commonwealth’s Legislative Manufacturing Caucus.
For the second year, we have teamed up with The Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CAM), along with MassMEP, MassRobotics, Forge, WPI and the MassHire boards. This is an exciting time for our committed manufacturers who produce and promote “Making It in Massachusetts.”
The 7th Annual Manufacturing Awards Ceremony is where you will be recognized and receive your award.
Formed in August 2014, the Manufacturing Caucus includes more than 60 legislators from around the Commonwealth. Lawmakers focus on training for manufacturing employees, encouraging innovation by helping start-ups access resources, and expanding apprenticeship opportunities in key manufacturing sectors.
Massachusetts has become a strong leader in advanced manufacturing, and it is important for government and industry to continue to work together to pursue innovation. Under the leadership of Speaker Mariano and Senate President Spilka, and in conjunction with Governor Baker, the Legislature has made thoughtful investments in this sector. We continue to look for ways to improve production and provide high paying jobs for the residents of the Commonwealth as manufacturing is vitally important to the Massachusetts economy and our future.
A big Thank You to our local Representatives, Customers + Fellow Salt Lovers!