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Gail Plaskiewicz I am a super taster. I have tons of taste buds in my tongue. However, when I read what is in this I had to try it. I have put this on popcorn and in my scrambled eggs. I want to try it on other things too but you will not regret trying this. It just makes my taste buds explode and I mean that in a good way! The taste is yummy!
Andrew Not only do I really enjoy this one, but so do all my friends!
Gail Plaskiewicz I wasn't sure if I would like this salt at first but when I smelled it, I knew I would love it. I put it in my scrambled eggs, on my buttered popcorn and in homemade Mac & Cheese. I would recommend this salt for everyone! It is so yummy!
Leslie Haley I love adobo, just enough nice flavor! I seem to be able to find a reason to add it to whatever I am making!