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Order $40+ to be auto-entered in to the Saltery Tote Bag Giveaway!! Hurry ⏰
Order $40+ to be auto-entered in to the Saltery Tote Bag Giveaway!! Hurry ⏰
Use FREESHIP50 for $50+ orders
Use FREESHIP50 for $50+ orders
With mild floral notes layered among delicious herbs, Lady Rose gets her highlights from rose petals. Don't be scared! The rose adds a brightness to the herb-forward flavor and is surprisingly versatile.
We only bring forth the best flavors and Lady Rose is sure to delight. Duxbury Flake Salt is blended by hand with savory, chives, and rose petals.
xo, Lily
Founder & Salt Lover
Jar contains 2oz of salt.
P.S. I just love flowers and I'm delighted that we were able to incorporate rose in to a dependable, flavorful, beautiful salt blend. Give Lady Rose a try — you'll love her!
I use lady rose on fish dishes and it is a good addition to rice dishes as well as vegetables.
Everyone in my family loves lady rose. Once I realized the rose flavor is very subtle and gives a really nice taste to everything, it became a go to for my fiancé and I. I shared it with my parents and now they love it too!
I was introduced to Saltery by a friend when she gave me two salts for a Christmas gift. I was not able to find one of them this spring when I was looking to replenish one so I purchased Lady Rose. What a find it was! I am so delighted. I have already used it in tuna salad, on salmon, and in regular salads. I'm sure many other ideas will pop up. I bought 2 and gave the other to my sister who also loves salt. I am curious to see what she tries it on.
The delivery was amazing. I had barely placed my order when it said it was shipped. I was very impressed.
What a fabulous company. Kudos to them. I wish them all the best and can't wait to make another selection.
Find something you love and go for it. You won't regret it.
I love this salt and I sprinkle it on everything from salads to roasted veggies, meat, chicken or tuna salad, anything I’m grilling, etc.
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Salt of the Earth